Graviora. 579 He used to advise us to consider Geology as an impertinent little hussy if she dared, in comparative infancy, to compete with the oldest and best established records in the world: to go on observing, collecting, and booking facts, making very sure that they were facts first; to look very keenly after " negative facts," such as the supposed absence of certain forms from certain strata, &c.; to theorize sparingly, and never beyond the sphere of our induction. Such counsels it was our privilege to listen to in the old Woodwardian room, (where I heard sadly too little!) enlivened with the celebrated comparison of the Solway Frith in a gale to Neptune's shaving-box, and other such merriments as left few dry eyes in the room. He is now described, by one who ought to know him, as "an old gun mounted upon the battery of Norwich Cathedral." Long may he be spared there, to thunder out "things old and new;" "may his last days be his best days," (as a hearty North Irish friend wished, not in vain, for my declining parents.) I believe his own heart's desire and prayer is to be less and less of the mere Philosopher, more and more of the mere disciple; less and less of the old Adam, more and more of the little child. Come to the Point. When you hear an intimate friend say "we are all very foolish and sinful," " we all do very wrong," "we are sadly too apt," and so forth, (the old story,) always express a little polite incredulity as to his or her particular share in the too general delinquency, and ask to be favoured in confidence with a few familiar instances in which they were so unfortunate as to commit themselves. Some parties will be sorely puzzled to give, if not to find, proofs of their own peccability, and may perhaps be cured of writing