578 Old Prices Remains. He is said to have said, which latter may really, with more propriety, be referred to Milton, Klopstock, &c., or again to others who, though not poets, have prosed on Scripture themes in a style highly poetical and with as much of reason as of rhyme, and no more. Both learned and unlearned, however, have fallen into the very pardonable error of mistaking the scope and drift of certain passages; and some have added the far more serious evil of tying others down to their interpretation, and charging them with heresy and blasphemy for presuming to differ from, instead of deferring to, their dogmatism. One word, however, on these misguided but often very worthy men, " probi illi quidem, sed imperiti." Their chief fault seems to me to be negative, viz.: a lack of humility. Fancying they know enough of Geology, &c, as well as Scripture, to " reconcile" the two in a manner satisfactory to the "claims" of Science and Religion, they have now and then convinced their readers (if not themselves) that they would have been the better of a deeper "keek" into both subjects before they entered the lists as champions of truth. " Non tali auxilio, nee defensoribus istis Tem- pus eget" In fact, query if any of her avowed enemies, (or of the scientific Gallios who alas ignore the interest they really have—sua si bona ndrint—in Genesis,) have done half as much damage to Scripture by misleading young students of God's two great books, as these unquali¬ fied Quixotes. The sceptic smiles, the atheist grins, the devils laugh—the angels weep at these " well meant" cru¬ dities Lacking influence myself, I once tried by a bold cat's-pawism, to stop one of these claverings through the medium of the late lamented Hugh Miller: " at ille (amnis) Labitur, et labetur, in omne volubilis aevum."— "Quanto rectius hie qui nil molitur inept6"—Old Sedgwick!