Graviora. S7l you place it" (viz., after " death "). " Surely, where the gospel is not received, death is not abolished. The blue ink marks " (so in MS., replaced here by italics) " are to be viewed as a separate subject, and are an attempt to show the difference between the Greek idiom and the English. In this verse, the attempt seems quite success¬ ful ; it is not always so easy. It is the only way I ever met with for seeing at one view, the exact meaning in English, and the structure of the Greek. If you won't try the ' blue ink,' I will decorate for you any verse you will send, very plain translated in black ink. And I think you will often find it throws light upon the text, besides the benefit I propose to myself, &c. Surely some kind hand will do this for me, now and then, at your request." N.B.—This invitation is now general. The Book of Job. I should be sorry if any of my Christian friends re¬ mained as long ignorant of the value of this precious work of God's as I did. And, but for a treacherous memory, I should have inserted remarks upon it in one of my earliest Nos-' in hopes of imparting, possibly, to some younger soldier of the cross, the blessings I believe I have derived from this portion of scripture. That which chiefly stood in my way was, I think, an unscriptural prestige attached to Job's character ; as if the best of men were not encompassed with many and grievous faults, often re¬ quiring sore and repeated chastisements in aid of their own honest efforts to subdue them. Having " heard of the patience of Job," and seen it commended in words which the Holy Ghost had taught, it would have seemed to me almost blasphemy to speak of his mpatience ; though