570 Old Price's Remains. 22, 23 ; Luke, ii. 2$, 34, ix. 16, xxii. 17, 19, &C." They can only be made to have the same sense by force. Both acts may have taken place on the same occasions, which may account for seeming conversion of terms, ivkoyea is transitive, with the same latitude as the English verb. To bless God, to bless man, to bless the loaves.—iv^apLarew is intransitive, i.e., never governs an accusative at all. This seems to mark them very decidedly. LUKE, xix. 8.—In Zaccheus' case, I think the burden of proof rests with those who say he was an extortioner, promising henceforward (in the present tense, observe, " I give" " I restore") to act differently. He seems to me to be replying, naturally, i.e., self-righteously, to those who called him " a sinner." I hold strongly that, in most Christians, one portion of their knowledge, being learnt from God in his own way, and his own time, is valuable and practical; whilst the rest, even if equally true, is of very little use, being learnt from man, prematurely; so that they would be almost better without it, till the time comes for learning it aright and making it their own. From a Letter to a Friend. 2 Timothy, i. 10.—But manifested now through the ~~f~ the o/-7ts having- the appearing of our saviour Jesus Christ; who-abolished death, having- incorruption and brought-to-light life and immortality through the gospel. " I think ' through the gospel' applies strictly to both propositions; so that it might stand well enough where