$6s Old Price's Remains. GRAVIORA. Adversaria on the Greek Testament. HEBREWS, ix. 24.—A friend asks, "is aimrimo^ rightly rendered Figure ? If more properly rendered Antitype, then how is it to be understood in 1 Peter, iii. 21 ? Was the Ark an antitype of something ? Is baptism a like antitype, and of what ?" (This is the question of a thought¬ ful and earnest man, and a very interesting one.) Anti¬ type has acquired a technical English meaning ; but, in Greek, two things can apparently be called antitypes to each other; whereas, in English, one is the type and the other is the antitype. In 1 Peter, iii. 21, antitype would be good English : but, observe it is here translated " like figure," not merely figure ;" so your "like antitype," is an "excess of expression" (Latham). In Hebrews, ix. 24, " types" would be good English, and #«//types would be untrue in English, though true in Greek. The prior fact is sometimes called Prototype. But Type and Antitype seem two very good words. See the danger of insisting on "literal versions!" The Ark, or rather the rescue from the Deluge—the being " saved by water," seems to be the type of which Baptism is the, or rather, an antitype. HEBREWS, x. i.—A mere shadow, and not even the very image (much less then the reality). 1 Timothy, iv. g, includes marriages, fasting, choice of meats, &c. I suspect irpo^ okuyov (\povov), means for a little time, as in margin, and then irpoi TravTa would also mean yjyovov = for ever: yet, I never saw nravra alone in