Leviora. 567 Well, seeing men is nobbut worms, let's grub, grub, grub away ; And work like bricks at spreadin' marie, for Parson sez we're clay. At last I understands a thing as once my brains was puzzlin; At Delamere the geese lays heggs, but never has a goslin! It's coz they hollars to theer chicks (mothers, you know, is rum uns,) " Stay wheer you are, moy dears," sez they, " theer's geese enough in Commons /" I arn't no scholar, ax yer par'n, but if you'll mind moy words, I'm partly sure it's just as true—theer's geese enough in Lords ! The Beard Movement. Good easy readers, you perhaps would stare To hear a gentleman cry out " Take care ! Your chair is on my beard I" or else, in anger, " The woman 's sitting on my whisker, hang her! Not so the Sage! his further-seeing ken Descries the trials that await us men: Sees whiskers doubled like a Masters's gown, Lest they catch toe and pull the owner down; Sees the moustaches tied behind the nape, To keep the wearer out of many a scrape; Sees Absalom outdone through thick and thin, And tangled Nimrods hanging—by the chin ! Sees Jason's* flowing curls surpassed (good lack!) By \\zSx from either cheek swung down the back. To say what he will see would be presuming; These are " already in the distance looming I" * See Pindar (not Peter).