566 Old Prices Remains. and if he is such a simpleton as to attend to what are popu¬ larly called " his five (or seven) senses," he may proceed to any length of credulity, and indeed must do so, and more, if consistent with his gross and material creed (or rather superstition) of believing in a present state! We should not be surprised to findhim by-and-by amongst those wild " religious frantics" who admit the doctrine of a future state, with the host of visionary views that follow as a natural consequence. In short, if Bishop Butler or Le Pere Buffier be right, there is no security against these ultimate vagaries of fanaticism but making a bold stand at the outset, and guarding the avenues of fancy by turn¬ ing a deaf ear to that Ignis fatuus " Common Sense," which deludes its votaries into the most extravagant posi- vities respecting the real existence of things which we have seen, which our eyes have looked upon, and our hands handled, as if that proved anything ! See note below. A "Pleen Mon's" View of Delamere Improvements, 1864. Th' oud Government must cry Peckavey, infattyated helves ; Instead o' gettin' hoaks for Navy, they've gotten hoaxed theirselves! Moy word \ what pains them softies tuk, a hacorn crop to rear; And now—they'd give their oyes to see hay, corn, and what not theer! N.B.—Experience has taught me the necessity of assuring some matter- of-fact readers, that the intention of this " nonsense prose " is to recommend, with Bp. Butler and Le Pere Buffier, the use of our senses in general, and of common sense in particular, as the guides next best to God's revelation ; and as indispensable to the right reception, with God's help, of that too. The appeal in i John i. 1-3 shews that we are not to "take leave of our senses."