Id. (fiL*r. (fBLfJ OLD PRICE'S REMAINS. INTRODUCTORY AND RETROSPECTIVE. Business First. Well, O. P. is now within 48 pages of the terminus; and, in common civility, he was just saying—" Extremum hunc, Arethusa, mihi concede laborem," when (would you believe it ?) she instantly replied—" Occupet extremum scabies !" It is very unlike her, thinks I; but if any lady chooses to be rude, ferendum est aequo animo; and, in her particular case, " Let well alone " is an additional argu¬ ment for quiescence. Item—as this is my last N?, the nymph's demand upon my patience is not exorbitant. I took the precaution of inserting a P. P. C, with thanks to customers, in my last N°. Let'me now repeat my thanks, and include another class, (" limited," by stern necessity,) who have kindly accepted presentation copies, and (in some cases) seem to have found time to read them ! I feel grateful for many a kind and cheering letter which this duodecimal octavo has called forth from beloved "auld acquaintance" and some new ones. And let me tell my still latent correspondent " dear O. D.," that the pleasure of his acquaintance even so far (and I am driving trenches closer and closer up to his mystic Malakoff!) would repay more trouble than the writing of 576 pages of " Caslon's old style" (the only type that would content O. P.!) To amuse him and others, I append " The Natural History of O. P.'s 36