f'l (f&o. I$&a OLD PRICE'S REMAINS. INTRODUCTORY AND RETROSPECTIVE. Business First. The epithet " fabulous," so great a favourite with writers of a certain class when they wish you to believe any very extraordinary statement of gProfit or Loss, was surely never more strictly employed, than in recounting the rapid triumphs of Queer Street, whose environs are now invested as it were with. a. halo of imperishable re¬ nown, corresponding with the glow of physical light radiating from an elegant glass dome recently erected over the centre of the Ascholarogic Bazaar. Already " Montmorenci" figures on the outside of several omni¬ buses which run to or past that quarter of the Metropolis, and resounds in the metallic accents of conductors; already the name long applied to the district in which our establishment has grown up, as if by magic, begins to tremble forits existence; and already Honourable Members are beginning, mentally, if not bodily, to ease off, and leave room for two, to accommodate the favoured representative of "Montmorenci Ward." See Virg. Geo. i. 33-35. The " Montmorenci clothes-maid " may be pronounced a com¬ plete success ; but the " hat-donner" is, for the present, a slight failure. For, though the principle—of never putting on your hat, but finding it put on for you—is in- contestably correct, and eminently Montmorencic, yet the 33