Natural History and Phenomena. 441 sing this sudden flight of a snail was never repeated. It was an aired; \eyopevov in my pages of the Book of Nature, and I think I should have been less surprised had I seen a seal dance a hornpipe. One more Sea-slug, and I have done. Ancula (late Miranda) cristata, with her opaline or milk-white body and orange-tipped plumes, is a creature as beautiful for its size as it well can be, and the very commonest of the order; especially on the large stones (not yet removed) at low ebb, by Monk's Ferry. This was long familiar to us as " Bunny," or the " white rabbit," which it is whimsically like, in that contracted state which it assumes when out of humour. I can not refrain from relating a scene which just recurs with great force to my mind at this moment Picture to yourselves, you that have lived with the critters of the deep and vice versa, an impudent Hermit-crab, (Pagurus-—Old Pag,) the very personification of sangfroid and bon-diablerie, perched on a stone to rest after some of those gambols with his co-eremites, at which he and they used to surpass the very kittens, and the veriest marmosets. There he sits, enjoying himself and the prospect equally ; and rubbing his little hands in the truly Crustacean fashion which never deserts that quaint and impertinent type, even in the extreme disguise of Cirripedes. I once res¬ cued a colony of Lepas. from a Lisbon ship in our embryo dock ("• Mortimer " to wit), and had the extreme satisfac¬ tion of watching them by the hour going through this placid and composing process, much in the style of my worthy namesake, (of yore the best ironmonger in Bristol) whom the mind's eye of author and publisher can see look¬ ing out at his shop door in Clare Street. But, to return to our friend whom we left a-rubbing of hiz'n, on the stone. His self-complacent tranquillity was destined to suffer