Introductory. 437 thoughts one would be glad to recal! Nay, we might be tempted to waste time in vain wishes, but for the great TRUTH that " all things work together for good, to those that love God." At any rate, self-abhorrence, Job, 42, vi., a vety needful lesson, may be learnt from the worst passages of our " antecedents," though others could derive no good from them. Examination Paper.—Jan. 1st, 1864. (Scholarship.) Two hours allowed. N.B.—Candidates not answering two-thirds of the questions to be plucked. Subject, O. P.'s Remains, N°- 8. I—"To tear first," p. 387. Explain the peculiar meaning of first, h. 1. with parallel passages. 2— Show the connexion between non-botany and foolery, or between botany and non-foolery, (p. 338.) 3—" His own ink," (p. 339) connect this blackmk with Kirke White. 4—Distinguish between "re-canvassed" and "canvass-backed." (p. 344.) 5—What is the most striking fact in p. 348 ? 6—Calendar, Oct. 4, "Live frogs introduced" to O. P. or into the' Museum? 7—Ibid, Oct. 16, "Taking to Agaricus personalis,"—As a last resource? 8—Distinguish Why-nots from What-nots. 9—Can a quart be subtracted from a yard ? (p. 362.) 10—Describe tattooing and tabooing; could plus aequo mean " more than a Horse"? (p. 382.) 11—Translate TT]\avyr\s very closely, (p. 383.) 12—Define Cyminopristics and Cardamoglyphics. Some of the Best Answers to Examination Paper, No. IX. I—Nulli sunt. 2—" Cribbing" means abstracting property of any kind, and may include every substance excepting, perhaps, atmospheric air. In Crib-biting nothing is unduly appropriated but that air. 3— 4—Unless John takes warning in time, the cliff will be gone in no time. 6— The former are generally monsters of the deep, the latter are caught in all soundings, high and low. 7—The Ayes have it again 1 Remember St. Dun-