Leviora. OLD P. "SEf DOWN" AS ClNCINNATUS, OR, CURLY JACK, ^[ Pray do you read that first class serial, O. P.'s Remains ? f Its immaterial To you, Sir, what I read—but truly, Papa, I think, receives them duly: One glance, for me, was quite enough, I would not touch such precious stuff. " Touch," did I say ? I quite forgot, I screw them up en papillotte. On Prjehumous and Posthumous Eclat. Addressed to a dear Old Dorking. " Pauea meo Gallo."—Virgil. You can't have every thing. Art old Cock like you', can't expect to beat every feathered creature, first ort the farm-yard, and again in the kitchen. If he has ruled the roast on his own dunghill, he must expect to be jeered by his juniors on the spit—chaffed by his chickens on a gentleman's table. In fact, when a noted champion of this class—" circum compita pugnax"—is taken to market, it would be a real charity, not only to the jaws of the purchasers, but to the poor old hero himself, " Con of the hundred fights,"-—" ne peccet ad extremum ridendus"— to ticket him " For broth only," and omit the superfluous ceremony of sawing off his veteran spurs. You may, how¬ ever, as well stick corks on them, t'o prevent judicious and thrifty housewives from hurting themselves, whilst "feeling the heft of him," which will, of course, tell, per se, in his favour. Every thing goes by weight now-a-days, ye ken, even- lightcakes; and, as "we pay a good deal