466 Old Price's Remains. one's character, by a set of inquisitorial interrogations, such as no despotic government ever thought of attemp¬ ting ; which, if honestly answered, would turn a fellow inside out like a stocking, and expose not only the most minute existing rents and perforations, but, so to speak, the very darnings calculated to make the "youthful hose, well saved" of his character look a little more respectable. A blank form, with a series of such questions, was once sent by a fayre ladye to O. P., to be filled up at his leisure. Not having any of this last commodity, he siezed his pen one day, con spirito, not to say con furore, and on the spur of the moment dashed off, currente calamo, the subjoined answers, by which she was so floored that, {post hoc if not propter hoc,) she shortly after sheered off right away to Africa, from whence report describes her as finding herself as well as can be expected. I should say a good deal better: voila pourquoi. Question.—What is your favourite virtue? Answer.— Necessity. Q.—What composer do you most admire ? A.—• The one that composes me to sleep. Q.—What is your greatest aversion ? A.—A version of the Psalms, by Sternhold and Hopkins. Q.—Who is your favourite poet ? A—-Myself, by far. Q.—Who is your favourite prose writer? A.— My d°., by d°. Q.—What fault can you most easily excuse ? A.—My own. Q.—Who is your hero in. history ? A.—Leander. Q.—Your heroine ? A.—Hero. Q.—Your hero in fiction ? A.—Punch. Q.— Your heroine ? A.—Judy. Q.—What is your favourite flower ? A.—rfease meal. Q.—What is your idea of hap¬ piness ? A.—Fife ness, Cambo ness, or any such ness, on a summers' day. &c., &c. N,B,—-The, original MS. mislaid. A young friend sug¬ gests, Q.__\yhat vice 49. y?u most 4.etest ? Advice.