Leviora. 465 The " one weak point" I promised, is unravelled, And, for the time, poor hoax is fairly gravelled. The Gyp looked blank—the fallen Host still blanker, Flat on the landing, where he came to anchor. But then " Convivatoris, uti ducts,"— You know the rest; if not, make no excuses. With one huge wink, he silences the Gyp, Then scarce supports himself upon one hip; And utters, to begin, otie piercing groan, Fitted to penetrate a heart of stone. The merry murmur quelled, thereon ensued, Groan after groan, the scoffers to delude. " Hush, he is hurt," they cry ; brief pause—and then Out, like a swarm of bees, poured "all those men." Now, after all, of them he had no fears, Though voila, the whole pack about his ears. The wise provision for ejectment made By that one pair of heads, together laid, Had failed completely ; yet, one half head more, The failure as completely did restore. Restore ? nay better, for the Gyp, whose cue Was to escape, if possible, from view— Soon as he saw the last green goose go down,— Cut Colleges, and hide himself in Town,— Now' went accredited like any proctor, Sent by those very geese to fetch the doctor!! (End of Canto II.) Mores puerorum inter ludendum se detegunt. Henrys First. Some time ago, a most objectionable mania arose, carried out principally, if not exclusively, by the so-called "fair sex" (most affair in this practice), for fishing out 32