464 Old Prices Remains. But had some role assigned it by our Host: And from a pitcher, to be raised by none of us, Hed drink the health of every mother's son of us ! These, and much more, he kept enumerating, Which set those arrant sages calculating; Some by uncommon, some by common sense, And all thought " P to W" immense ! From theory to practice they advanced, Which greatly, to our Host, the fun enhanced : " Nullos his mallem !" to himself said he, As he their clumsy mimicry did see. Tremendous hits, and more tremendous misses, Called forth tremendous cheers—tremendous hisses ! Poor Pitt! I never shall forget his feat, With head and heels each on a different seat \ This fun went on till all were fairly tired ; Then, some one thought, the room more light required. The Host " was sorry,—but,"—off Nathan starts, And to his room for "composites" departs ; Brings back a pound or two, and sticks each nook With blazing moulds, where'er they best might look. And well they looked, all were delighted; yet, Our Flemish " Hamlet" they could not forget. So the plot thickened, which those two did hatch: " I'll poke him up, and bring him to the scratch."— This said> our Host " steps out to hasten matters, And falls, as if he'd break himself to shatters." But, who " run out to lend their friendly aid ?" Who was it said " the hoax's fortune 's made ?" Nil vidi minus ! not a soul ran out, But the room rang with universal shout. " Hold up !" says one, another " There he goes !" Till staircase echoes answer " There he goes !"