Mathematics. 463 positive, actual, or real that the subtraction of them causes diminution. For instance, a 5 is always five, and the same sort of a five. The marks + or — placed before it are just like two verbs in the imperative moody giving orders for the addition or subtraction of a positive 5 in either case. And whenever we turn them into adjectives, and talk of a plus five and a minus five, or of positive and negative Quantities in general, or whenever we lay down, rules for dealing with Quantities as if they possessed the different properties—positive and negative, remember,. Mary, as long as you live, that we are merely using conventional terms, or taking the liberty of making abbreviations, which save time, and trouble, and ink, and breath, and which do no harm unless they be misunderstood for. names, of exist¬ ing realities., LEVIORA. TO RELIEVE THE WEARY. "Tradidit Fessis—Leviora."—Hor. No more what, Sir ? Nonsense, Madam, Nonsense.-. Old Play? The HOAX.—CANTO II. The nine-could ne'er have chanted all the feat$r Of arms, legs, shoulders, back, and other treats it "Ten on 'em might/' perchance ; but Hannah More,, Had left off poe,try some years before. {See Peter Piudar.) Chairs, desks, stools, boxes, stood arranged, in rowsy To balance on his chin,; or ejse his nose ; A massive bedpost should, they might depend,. Be tossed and caught upon each finger end ; No piece of furniture the room could boast,