^(j&ecv/gfeS OLD PRICES REMAINS. INTRODUCTORY AND RETROSPECTIVE. Business First—(stunning, if true.) The demand for all the articles announced for sale in our last N° has been so pressing, and the invention of fresh items in the " MONTMORENCI CLOTHING AND FURNITURE Department " so rapid, that not only has the poor Old Depot in Queer Street proved quite inadequate to the successful carrying out of our extensive business, but poor dear O. D. himself is worn nearly off his legs, and may be seen sitting on the counter instead of standing behind it. We have, therefore, at an " enormous sacrifice," secured the two adjoining warehouses for the reception of the al¬ ready named goods, with a large supply of other conve¬ niences equally indispensible to gentlemen pressed for time, of which a catalogue is preparing. Till the "exten¬ sive alterations" are completed, customers are requested kindly to excuse the unavoidable throng and confinement of the existing premises, ("a>devv0' wcnrep t/e? /") where every attention will be paid to any orders they may fa¬ vour us with. That much " Wanted" commodity, a " Stout Boy," has been procured (at a heavy risk) in aid of our worthy, but chawed-up partner. The new suite of rooms will include a Ladies' Department, at the suggestion of a numerous and respectable body of belated females, whose requirements will be provided for by an elegant 27