#(A/oi/, /g^ OLD PRICES REMAINS. INTRODUCTORY AND RETROSPECTIVE. Business First—(charming, if true.) With that prompt attention to suffering humanity which ever characterizes a British heart, O. P. has effected a partnership with O. D.* (indissoluble, and all liability " limited " to the latter, who has also kindly consented to stand behind the counter) for the exclusive sale of the following articles, at the Old Depot, Queer Street, con¬ venient to the Fleet Prison. Price extremely reasonable, tit semper.—Montmorenci bedposts, fluted with Indian- rubber tubing, for the protection of both "parties" (see N° VII. p. 334) ; Montmorenci chamber ware, entirely of gutta-percha, the ewers with water-tight lids ; Montmo¬ renci calico, warranted to tear first; Montmorenci dressing cases in great variety, effecting a saving of five minutes at each toilette ; the Montmorenci sock-drawers, woven in one piece, and so elastic that, when they are hung on a clothes-maid, parties accustomed to horse exercise can, after a little practice, vault into both sides at once (experto crede); Montmorenci shaving-cans, provided with a night- light which, after heating the water, ignites a cracker at 5-30 a.m. (see N° VII. p. 333); the Montmorenci coat and waistcoat, semi-detached, and calculated for simultaneous * Discoverer (or inventor?) of the celebrated "O. D. forces," bv% & Tvxotv avt)p. 24