7 (0<yt ISht) OLD PRICES REMAINS. INTRODUCTORY AND RETROSPECTIVE. Business First ! If time served, I should make it my business to inform a large number of my acquaintance who are still in igno¬ rance of this publication. Some will say, why not advertise ? What? in the "Annals," for Natural History; in the Clas¬ sical Museum, {i.e. the representatives of the late) for Philology; in the Geometric Times, for Mathematics; in Punch, for Leviora ; in the Record, for Graviora ; and in Bentley's Miscellany, for Miscellanea ? &c. &c. Hardly ! And, as I hardly ever have time to send a circular, let me ask my kind customers (especially such as desire illustrations) to make it their business to communicate to their circles, " each to each," the existence of an Olla podrida entitled Old Price's Remains. Thanks for several kind helps, wholesale and retail, to keep down the monthly bill. " He needs must go, the Printer drives," would be a far prettier version of an old adage which serves only as a lame excuse for yielding to an enemy who always flees before a hearty resistance. And though my printer is far from a hard driver, yet his claim is a very cogent one; and I am right glad to be en¬ abled to meet it. Let me add, in strict confidence, that he has much more to do with settling the contents of each N° than my Public would suppose.