6 [&f* /s&i) OLD PRICE'S REMAINS. INTRODUCTORY AND RETROSPECTIVE. Business First ! I FIND my attempts at serving customers rebuked by that searching question of the Poet:— '' What is the most premising young man, To a performing Lion's cub ?"' (in manibus carmen est); and I cannot question the truth of La Fontaine's "il est bon de parler, bein meilleur de se taire." I therefore * withdraw the handsome offer which first appeared in the June N°, and thank my friends for three kindnesses done to me without promising: viz., ist— assisting me, by numerous remittances through Mr. Hol- den, to settle my Printer's monthly bill; 2nd—enabling me to make up normal sets by sending aberrant copies of N° I; 3rd—purchasing my Fhotogram of Mr. Dustin, 122, Grange Lane, Birkenhead, who threatens a still better likeness, "Prised formidine sacrum!" a fac-simile of the redoubtable Old Gentleman who frightened Mr. T.'s bull out of the Leadworks and his wits at one single glance, aided by no more formidable weapon than a bouquet of wild flowers. In Cheshire and Lancashire it is necessary to give notice that /' Remains (= the Remains) is not the plural of Tremayne, and, in fact, has no connection whatever with that work, however strange it may appear; nor, F. R., is tea things the plural of teething. If question 3—"Why Old?"—be still asked, the reason discoverable, by the use of a magnifying glass, in N<? 1, has been acquiring strength ever since. And, as to the * Be sure to erase it from the fly-sheet. 18