ft (^ j%a>) OLD PRICES REMAINS. INTRODUCTORY AND RETROSPECTIVE. Business First! In the N° for June, I inserted a very handsome offer (tho' I say it) to correct, in proprid persond, and " with thanks," any errors that may have arisen in the Delivery of Books, &c, &c, &c, &c. I have since learnt that this was one of the very many things that are " easier said than done;" in fact, as far as. the "business" part of the publication has been in my own hands at all (and I have been most kindly assisted) the whole may be fairly en¬ dorsed as a chapter of accidents. And, as each separate attempt to extricate myself from these necessarily involves its own per centage of blunders in the execution—(the plans might serve as models of forethought and design !) the evil only accumulates after the manner of Compound Interest, which always reminds me of the "tops" and empurpled chevelure of page 2g. Que faire done? What can be done ? That / should be the loser is not only a matter of course, but perfectly equitable, as are all natural consequences; being, in fact, part of God's appointment in the constituted order of things, all working together for good. If a defective memory brought no penalties in its train, then those who choose to forget their 12