PRICE ONE PENNY. ONTHLY No. 57.—SEPTEMBER, 1898. TREASURY. ORGAN OF THE \S English Calvinistic Methodists, or Presbyterian Church of Wales. EDITOR: Rev. Hugh J. Hughes. CONTENTS: Until the Day Dawn. By the Editor............................................. 193 Five Points of Homiletics ... ... ... ... ... ... 196 Summer Shores. By Rev. Daniel Thomas, Caerphilly................... 198 A Bismarck Retort ... ... ... ... 200 The Authority of the Church! By Rev. R. H. Morgan, M.A. ... 201 Nearness to God................................................................................ 202 Poetry—Jehovah Reigns. By Gwilym Griffiths. ... ... ... 203 Thirst for Immortality......................................................................... 204 Notes and Comments ... ... ... ... ... ... 205 The Liverpool Conference .........■;...................................................... 207 Correspondence—What is Expected from the Conference ... .,. 208 At Work Again................................................................................ 2o8 A Glimpse of the Forward Movement ... ...209 Children's Page................................................................................ 2io Bala College Prize Day ... ... ... ...211 The Edward Morgan Portrait............................................................ 212 South Wales Quarterly Association ... ... .,. ... ... 213 The Presbyteries..................................................'..........................214 News of the Churches ... ... ... ... ... 215 CARNARVON: PUBLISHED FOR THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY BY THE REV. DAVID'O'BRIEN OWEN. Printed by R. E. Jones & Bros., Conway and Colwyn Bay.