PRICE ONE PENNY. ONT.HLY No. 53— MAY, 189S. TREASURY. ORGAN OF THE \/ English Calvinistic Methodists, or Presbyterian Church of Wales. EDITOR: Rev. Hugh J. Hughes. CONTENTS: The Supports of Patience.................................................................. 97 Robert and Betty on " Keeping the Preachers." Bv the Rev. Daniel Thomas, Caerphilly ... ... ... ... ... ... 99 Against Vain and Pompous Learning ......... ....................................... 103 True Womanhood. By S. J. J. ... ... ... ... ... I04 Only "Now" is Safe ......................... ................................... ....... 105 Notes and Comments ... ... ... ... ... 106 The Gospel of Mark ............................. ......................................... lo-j Paul in the Light of Jesus..... ... ... ... ... i1Q The Life of Jesus. By the Rev. John Owen, Tonypandy.............. no Children's Page ... ... .... "'...••. ... II2 In Memoriam .............................................................„....................,,^ South Wales Quarterly Association ... ... 116 The Presbyteries.................................................................................. XIy News of the Churches ... ....... ... ... ng Jesus as an Organiser...................................................................... 11Q Spare Moments ... ... ... ... I20 CARNARVON: published for the general assembly by the rev. david j&mmm OWEN. Printed by R. E. Jones & Bros., Conway and Colwyn Bay.