Welsh Journals

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Price ONE PENNY.] [Fa. 30.—JUNE 1896. /Ifcontblv ^Ireasuq>, ORGAN OF THE ENGLISH CALVINISTIC METHODISTS OB PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF WALES. EDITOR: REV. HUGH J. HUGHES. Contents — The Bala College Fund. By the Rev. R. H. MORGAN, M.A. The Humble-Bee. The Book of Judges. Oxford Letter. By J. S. ROOSE. The Life of Jesus Christ. By the Rev. JOHN OWEN, Tonypandy. A Journey Through a Part of Jaintia. By ANNIE M. JENKINS. The Statistics for 1895. Only Spots. Doctrine and Life. The Association and Temperance. The Author of the Four-Fold State. The Royal Commission on Drink. Against Compromise. Ye Men of Athens. North Wales Quarterly Association. Looking Upward. The Presbyteries. Religious Enthusiasm. News of the Churches. A Perfect Sermon. Expecting too Much. CARNARVON : PUBLISHED FOR THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY BY THE REV. DAVID O'BRIEN OWEN. DOLGELLEY: PRINTED BY E. W. EVANS, " GOLEUA.D" OFFICE.