7fru -AhJC ^<!L Price ONE PENNY.] [No. 19.—JULY, 1895. /Ifoontbls ORGAN OF THE ENGLISH CALVINISTIC METHODISTS OB PRESBYTERIAN ;CHURCH OF WALES. EDITOR: REY. HUGH J. HUGHES Contents :— Self-Consecration to the work of the Ministry. By the Rev. D. LLOYD JONES, M.A., Llandinam. Ten o'clock Preachers. The Genera] Assembly. Notes by the Rev. J. GLYN DA VIES, Newport. Spiritual Life. By Rev. THOMAS HUGHES, Kenchester. Life of Jesus Christ (Written for the Children). Chapter II. A Bunch of Flowers. Collected at Treorky Association. Nature and Song. By DAVID EVANS, Llysyfronydd. Our Statisticts for the year 1894. Our Mission Fields. A Letter for the Children. By ANNIE M. JENKINS. South Wales Quarterly Synod, Treorky, May 28—30. Our Colleges: Trevecca, Bala. Notes and Comments. A Needed Mission. By Mr. HUGH DA VIES, Machynlleth. The General Assembly. A Happy "Too Late.* How to Succeed. News of the Churches. The late William Buttler Williams, B.A., Dunedin. . CARNARVON: PUBLISHED FOR THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY BY THE REV. DAVID 6'BRIEN OWEN. dolgelley: printed BY E. W. EVANS, "goleuad" office.