Price ONE PENNY.] [No. 7.-JULY, 1891 /llbontbl^ WITH WHICH ARE INCORPORATED THE " MONTHLY TIDINGS " and " CHRISTIAN STANDARD." ORGAN OF THE ENGLISH CALVINISTIC METHODISTS OR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF WALES. EDITOR: REV. JOHN WILLIAMS, B.A. Contents :— The Davies' Lecture for 1894 : The Origin of Religion. By the Rev. GRIFFITH ELLIS, M.A. Our Church Statistics for 1893. By the Rev. JOSEPH EVANS. Notes on Sunday School Lessons : Acts xvi.—xvii. By The Rev. R. J. REES, B.A. The Connexional Sunday School Examination. The Gold Medallist for 1894. The General Assembly at Pontypridd,—Moderator, Rev. Owen Jones, B.A. : The Welsh out of Wales—Foreign Missions—Disestablishment— Reports of Committees. South Wales Association: Blaina, Mon., June 6th—7th, 1894. The Forward Movement: Meeting of General Committee—Statistics of Mission Centres—Memorial Hall, Cardiff. News of the Churches : Birkenhead, Brynmawr, Walton Breck, Pwllheli. Glamorgan and Monmouth Sunday School Examination. The English Conference for 1894. CARNARVON: PUBLISHED FOR THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY BY THE REV. DAVID O'BRIEN OWEN. DOLGELLEY : PRINTED BY E. W. EVANS, " GOLEUAD " OFFICE.