H IBIRUB) ü OìTILWUDlDí OR, €f)e <£ỳvonitlt atẃ ®Mtvütt. Rhif. 6.] MEHEFIN 16, 1828. No. 6.] JUNE 16, 1828. [Cyf. L [VOL. 1. NEWTONIAN FHILOSOFHY. In the two last numbers of the Brud a Sylwydd, we attempted to shew the utility of having a philosophical or natural language; a language adapted in principles to our principles of think- ing, and agreeing in structure with the manner in which our thoughts are compounded and connected. We shewed that infants could make no regular progress in the exercise of their mental facultìes, except with the aid of such language; and that the thoughts of adults must be confused, and all reasoning more or less fallaci- ous, until the mind be enabled to ascertain instantaneously the com- position of any idea by means of a philosophical language. Sueh a lan- guage wouìd signify the compound idea by a word, the letters of which would respectively denote the ele- mentary ideas of that compound. Were we to enumerate the ideas which we consider elementary, it would be found,and we withdiffidence confess, that we have adopted princi- ples at variance with the opinions of mental, moral andnaturalphilosophers in their respective branches of science. It was for this reason we expressed* some hesitation to enumerate the ele- mentary ideas, until "we should have an opportunity to explain how, in en- deavouring to renounce all prejudices, we had been led to view the recewed opinions respecting the principles of natural and mental philosophy." * Third Number, page 70. We in our last number commencea* a critical examination of some of the opinions of the most eminent man who ever wrote on mental philosophy. We now turn our attention to the prevailing opinions in natural philoso- phy. The fame of an author, who has identified his name with&ny principles or opinions of general interest, and as generally approved, is a great excite- ment to emulation. To overturn the system of such a predecessor seems a sure way of procui'ing a transfer of his fame. A motive of this kind often induces attempts, which are neither warranted by a really new discovery, or excusable oàì account of a mistaken supposition that a new discovery is made. A hankering for popuìarity on the ruins of another's renown, has alone induced such attempts in many instances; and we could refer to a work of this description published by an author of this town, which, in the absence of arguments, deals in sarcasm, and endeavours to turn the prejudices of behevers in Revelation against the Newtonian Philosophy. Did we not fear that we should be considered to resort to an opposite, but undue means to prepossess our readers with a view to undennine, otherwise than by force of argument3 the system of Newton, we should take this opportunity of expressing our high estimation of the merits of this phüosopher, whatever may become of the most important of his principles in natural philosophy. All we wish is, that, while the service£