1? &vn* j* £g!lt)»**u Rhif. 3.] MAWRTH 15, 1828. [Pris 6ch. CYFEIRIR ein yn in DarUenwyr Cymreig at Sylwad meẃn tudalen arall tn nghyhh achlysur y Traethawd canlynol. We did not intend, when we first started our Periodical, to commence fbr a year or two with the discussion of' the subject, to which we now beg to call the attcntion of our Readers. But we soon found ours'eWes called upon to make a distant allusion to it. A correspondent took the hint, and became anxious for a further esplanation, with which we endeavoured to satisfy him in our last publication. We soon íbund we could not stop here; but sbould be obliged to go over the same ground in the Engiish Language. We had hardiy commenced witli the latter task, when the neces- sity of going stilí deeper into the subject occurred to us. Our apology for including the following lengthened Dissertation all in the same Number, is the importance of the subject. We feel confident that it must soon become aprincipal topic, not in Wales or in Britatn alone, but wherever the utility of improving the mind, has been dnly considered. —- »♦---- THE XrVXPOXLTANCE OF A GOOD LANG-trAG-E FOR INSTRUCTION ANÖ SjŵîS»3EtOVEMEHT. DEFECTS IN THE GENERAL SYS- TEM OF EDUCATION. NOTHING more distinguishes the present age than the atten- tion paid to forming the mind of youth. It is however thought fruitless to attempt initiating every child throughout the Country, in the prin- ciples of every artandscience, which are likely to be of general and pecu- liar advantage in future life; so as to make their rudiments embrace 'commensurate extent with the accom- pjishments of manliood. Our off- spriug do not, like those of the Spar- tans and Atheuians, toan individual, inherit the principles of all the know- ledge and experience of the age ; not even so far as might be advantageous to their respective occupations and intercourse. Whether this circumstance be a necessary consequence of the more multifarious, and more copious ac- quisition of the raoderns; or a conse- quenceof their greater success in im- proving, and extending knowlcdge, than in inventing means to improve our faculties for its early reception, is a question at least deserving of enquiry, to whatever conclusion we might be led. At present, however, the very idea of inventing such means, is ridiculed as an utopian project, so much as any recent improvement would have been a few centuries ago, or at a later period whensuperstition gave place to ridicule. Ensor* has, and with justice, looking to the present means ofedu- cation, pronounced the scheme of an Eastern Monarch absurd, for thus atterapting too much. The Emperor Acbar established schools to teach Morality, Arilhmetic Accounts, Agriculture, Geometry, Astronomy,Economies, Physics, Po- liticsj Logic, Natural Philiosophy, Abstract Mathematics, Divinity, and History,to acquire the very names of which would be no easy task to a child. Ensor on Natioual Education, p. 318.