July 21, 1897. BYE-GONES. 155 1790. J. Coytmore Pugh's name, described as Estate Owner in Bangor. 1789. Lease of Capel Eitha, Llanwenllwyfo, to -----Panton for mining purposes. 1617. Letter from R. Brickdall Clerk of Llan- fairynghornwy, regarding some lauds which ap¬ parently were to be conveyed to him, his Lord¬ ship (B. of Bangor) being one of the Feoffee3. R. B. mentions Arthur ap Bichard as hia Cousin, & inveighs againstthe fraudulent intent of a certain William Wynne, for "detayning ye principall .....upon the lands." All the signatures are original in the Friars MSS., and some have their Arms attached, including Irby, Panton, and the Bishop of Hereford. 1556-7. (Phil. & Mary.) Account of Old Deeds; possession delivered "in ye presens of Owen Glynn, Shon Salesbury, & Wm. Salisbury, Randle Meyricke (B'p) & Thos. Yale." FRIARS SCHOOL (Friars Statutes.) Original School Rules. (Extract). They (i.e. the masters), shall instruct their Schollers as well with good nurture, & Civill manners, as with good literature, with exercise to speak Latin, and other honest discipline. They shall to the best of their ability, watch as well the poorest man's child as the richest, without partiality, School hours 7—11, & 1—5; for master's boys thereat 6. None of the Schollars shall be so hardy to come to Schoole with his head unkempt, his hands or face unwashed, his shoes mucked, his capp hosen or vesture filthy or rent. They shall use to speak Latin as well without ye Schooll as within. The Schoolmaster & Usher shall take diligent heed and beware for their Schollars distinct & plain pronunciation, & circumspectly shall pro¬ vide that for their Schollars, pronounce, & utter not words without understanding of the matter, & meaning thereof, and that they read not or speak one (?) time, but that diligent heed be given to the due accent in pronunciation.—Epigrame, and Verse to be composed by Friday.—Amuse¬ ments,—Crossbow, & Running Base. They shall use such mildness of Countenance, & gentleness of speech that he may enflame the dullard (if any such there be), to study. Signed E. Griffith (Dean of Bangor 1629), Rowland Thomas (earlier), Hugh Holland, J. Barton, J. Cureton, Jno. Davies, & R. Thompson. Pr. Power of Attorney 1653, For Dean, & Chapter, Wm. Roberts (B.B.), Robert Whyte, Hugh Williams, Gruff: Williams (B'p of St. A), Wm. Vaughan; Michael Evans, & Thomas Wynne of Llanfair is Gaer, &c. Wm. Salisbury mentioned under date 1556-7, was the celebrated Translator of the N. Testa¬ ment; A Geoffrey Glyn, sup. forB.C.L. 31 Mar., 1452 (Oxford Regs), Wm. Glynn, D.D., 1554. The Glyns were descended from Einion ap Gwalchmai, Lord of Malldraeth, Rhosfawr. Rhos Fawr was the residence of the last lineal descendant of Dr Wm. Glyn, Bishop of Bangor 1555. Geoffrey Glyn'a father, Goof. Glyn, L.L.D., left no legitimate children. Rowland of Nant, merged in the Bulkeley family. Whyte of Fryars, Bangor, Coytmore, and Brynkir extinct. Burchinshawe was of the Voel family (Llan- sannan), and was, no doubt, a brother of the last Abbot of St. Werburgh, Chester. Llanrwst. T. Elias. QUERIES. THE JUBILEE OF GEORGE III.—It would be interesting to know what remains there are in Wales commemorating the Jubilee of George III. in 1810. Are there any ? Any records of local commemorations in 1810 would be also interesting. D.M.R. BALDWIN FAMILY.—Thomas Baldwin, born in Shropshire, 1751, married at St. Chad's, Shrewsbury, Mary Gough, by licence, Jan. 1st, 1784. Where was he baptised? His father, Thomas, married Mary Pierce. Was the father that same Thomas, who was son of Edward Baldwin, baptised at Diddlebury, 1713 ? Any details of any of the foregoing will be most welcome. H.K.T. REPLIES. LONGDEN (June 23, 1897).—I have always understood that the rhyme referred to Longdon, near Lichfield, in Staffordshire. At least the inhabitants of that place always claim it. " Longdon is a large and straggling village. It is so long, and probably hence its name, and the houses are so scattered, that the following rhyming proverb about it is well known— The stoutest beggar that goes by the way, Cannot beg through Long'on on a summer's day." (Langford's Staffordshire and Warwickshire Past and Present, Div. 1, p. 155.) J.E.A. THE SIN-EATER (Sept. 2, 1896, May 12, 1897).—There is a long description of this old custom, as conducted in Devonshire, in S. Baring Gould's new novel, Guavas the Tinner. It is too long to transcribe into this column, but in that case a stranger was got hold of who had to eat a bit of saffron cake which lay on the dead man's breast and to drink from a bowl of spirits passed across the coffin. When he had done,all present raised a cry and threw at him sticks, cinders, and whatever they could lay hold of, and hustled him on all sides, and thrust him out of doors with the cry, " He has taken on him the sins o' the dead, Cast'm out." Will any of the readers of this column refer me to the literature of this subject? D.MR. GURRE^T~NOTES. We regret to state that ill health has compelled the Rev Canon Wood Edwards to resign the living of Ruabon. Mr T. E. Morris has been inquiring into the Car* narvonshire Charities. At Aberdaron it was stated