395 MABINOGION. [Continued from p. 179.J The men of the south jour¬ neyed with miserable wailing towards their country, and no¬ thing wonderful; they had lost their lord, with many of their choicest warriors, and their horses, and their arms, the greatest part. The men of Gwynedd return¬ ed home joyfully triumphant. " My lord," said Gwydion to Math, "would it not be right for us to liberate the noblemen to the people of the south, whom they have pledged with us as hostages for peace, and whom we ought not to imprison ? " Then let them be liberated," said Math. So the youth and the other hostages that were along with him were permitted to depart after the men of the south. Then Math repaired to the fort of Dathl. Gilvathwy, the son of Don, and the family that had been left with him, proceeded to make the circuit of Gwynedd, as they had been accustomed, and without approaching the court. Math repaired to his chamber; and then he ordered a place to be prepared for him whereon to rest his elbows, so that he might put his feet in the lap of the damsel. " My lord," said Goewin, " seek now a maid, who may be beneath thy feet: a woman am I." Gwyr y deheu a gerddynt ag argan truan gantynt parth a'u gwlad; ac nid edry vedd, eu harglwydd a gollysynt, a llawer oc eu goreugwyr, ac eu meirch ac eu harvau ganmwyav. Gwyr Gwynedd a ymchoeles drachevn yn llawen orawenus. " Arglwydd," ebai Gwydion wrth Math, " ponid oedd iawn ini ellwng eu dy lyedawg i wyr y deheu, a wystlysant ini ar dangnevedd, ac ni ddylywn eu carcharu V* " Rhyddaer, ynte," ebai Math. Ac y gwas hwnw, ac y gwystlon a oedd gyd ag ev, a ellyngid yn ol gwyr y deheu. Yntau Math a gyrchwys gaer Dathl. Gilvathwy vab Don, ac y teulu a vuesynt gyd ag ev, a gyrchynt i gylchaw Gwynedd, mal y gnotaysynt, a heb gyrchu yiiys. Yntau Math a gyrchwys ei ystavell, ac a beriscyweirdw lie iddo i benelinaw, mal y cafai ddodi ei draed yn mhlyg croth y vorwyn. " Arglwydd," ebai Goewin, " cais vorwyn a vo is dy draed weithan : gwraig wyv vi."