XI. ,&* /tsADWS No, 4. T H R ed Dragon THE NATIONAL MAGAZINE OF WALES. EDITED BY JAMES HARRIS. APRIL, 1887. I. Nant Olchfa. By E. A. Dillwyn . . . II. The Legend of the Lr>rd of Dunraven. By Chas. W. Russell . til. What America Owes to Welshmen. II. By W. B. Jones (Ap P. A, Udtt) . . . • • „ • tlV. Evening. By Jennette Fothergill. . • • George Halliday's Second Wife. By Hugh Coleman Davidson : Th« Golden City of Love and Rest. By J. H. D. Rebeccaand her Daughters. II. By David Davtes . III. The Blacksmith. By R. M. I. . fx. Early Welsh Medicine. By P. Rhys Griffiths, B.S., M.B. (Lond X. Glamour. By Zitella* . -..... d. Reviews . . „-.*.'. . • • II. Literature, Art, and Archaeology of the Month . . u . • II. Notes and* Queries . . . • •.*•- • * * *, IV. Draconigense . . ,> _ • • ., • PAGE. 289 300 305 313 314 324 325 338 ) 339 355 356 362 367 378 DA^IEL« OWEN and Co„ Limited, WESTERN MAIL BUILDINGS. LONDON: W. KENT and Co., PATERNOSTER ROW. ie One SMllmg. All Mights Reserved.