—- Al XL II. III. IV. v. VI. TII. III. IX. X. XI. ill III. iiv. V. [VI. [vu. No. 3. TH ed Dragon THE NATIONAL MAGAZINE OF WALES. EDITED BY JAMES HARRIS. MARCH, 1887. Nant Olchfa. By E. A. Dillwyn . Seaside Memories. By Jennette Fothergill. Our Holiday in Belgium and the Rhiueland. If. Love Drift. By Zitella .... Grandpapa's Story. II. By Richard Le Free The Song of the Sassenach. By 0. M. The Real St. David. By E. J. Newell, M.A. The Buried Bells. By Kismet. Celtic Flora, By H. Gaidoz . A Welsh Heiress. By Denzil Vane For Ever. By Stella Vatjghan . Rebecca and her Daughters. By David Davies What America Owes to Welshmen. By W. B. Jones (Ap P To Zuliekha. By Baroness Swift Literature, Art, and Archaeology of the Month Notes and Queries . Draconigena) ..•••• W. J. PAGE. 193 205 206 215 216 220 221 226 227 , 231 . 238 . 239 A. Mon) 249 260 261 266 285 Cardiff: DANIEL OWEN and Co., Limited, WESTERN MAIL BUILDINGS. LONDON : W. KENT and Co., PATERNOSTER ROW. Price One SUlling. All Rights Reserved.