/. n. ItrzU^c^ Vol. XI. ^ M^MWCFa ?i No. 2. THE Red Dragon THE NATIONAL MAGAZINE OF WALES. EDITED BY JAMES HARRIS. FEBRUARY, 1887. PAGE. I. NantOlchfa. By E. A. Dillwyn......97 lit The Gododin of Aneurin Gwawdrydd. By E. J. Newell, M. A.- 115 III. A Famous Welsh Pirate. By Alfred Llewellyn Richards . 119 IV. Erigone. By John Walker...... . 129 V. Our Holiday in Belgium and the Rhiueland. I. - . . 133 VI. The Fisher's Wife. By Caredig . . . . . .151 VII. Grandpapa's Story. By Richard Le Free . . .152 VIII. A Will. By C. K. Q. ........ 165 IX. The National Institute of Wales. By Edwin Seward, R.C.A. 166 X. "Spring." By Agnes R. Howell . . ... .170 XI. Literature, Art, and Archaeology of the Month . . . .171 XII. Notes and Queries.........175 XIII. Draconigenec . . . . . . • • • .191 DANIEL OWEN and Co., Limited, WESTERN MAIL BUILDINGS. LONDON: W. KENT and Co., PATERNOSTER ROW. Price One Shilling. All Mights Reserved.