Vol. X. No. 6. THE Red Dragon THE NATIONAL MAGAZINE OF WALES. EDITED BY JAMES HAERIS. DECEMBER, 1886. PAGE. I. Nant Olchfa. By E. A. Dillwyn -.....481 II. The Poet's Crown. By John Jervis Beresford, M.A. . . 500 III. Welsh Superstitions.........502 IV. The Vale of Llangollen. By Helen Prothero Lewis . . 506 V. Twice Saved. By Denwar Lloyd ...... 507 VI. The Year is Dying. By J.H.D. . . . . . .521 VII. Lord Herbert of -Cherbury and his " Autobiography." By W. Arthur.........522 VIII. Sampaguitas. By Baroness Swift....., 541 IX. Readings in Rhys's " Celtic Britain." VI. By Brython . . 542 X. Sketch : A Windy Night. By John Walker . . .551 XI. Reviews...........552 XII. Literature, Art, and Archseology of the Month .... 554 XIII. In Memoriam—John Prichard. By J. E. Ollivant . . 559 XIV. Notes and Queries.........569 XV. Draconigen®..........576 <&M&%tt : DANIEL OWEN and Co., Limited, WESTERN MAIL BUILDINGS. LONDON: W. KENT and Co., PATERNOSTER ROW. Price One Shilling. All Mights Reserved