Vol. X. No. 5- THE Red Dragon THE NATIONAL MAGAZINE OF WALES. EDITED BY JAMES HARRIS. NOVEMBER, 1886. PAGB~ I. Nant Olchfa. By E. A. Dillwyn ------ 385 II. Not Divided. By Jennette, Fothergill . . . . - . 403. III. A New Anatomy of Melancholy. By Leslie Wynne . . 405 IV. Beethoven. By Alexa Evans . . . .',.•' .417 V. Some Noted Welsh Actors and Actresses. By W. Arthur . 419 VI. William Williams's Hymn, 249. By Prydtdd Egwan . . 434 VII. A University for Wales. By Joseph H. Wadb . . . 435- VIII. Ad Meos Fratres. By E. J. Newell, M.A . . . .441 IX. Readings in Rhys's " Celtic Britain.1' V. By Brython . . 443 X. Reviews........... 458- XI. Literature, Art, and Archaeology of the Month .... 460 XII. Notes and Queries . . ... . . . ... 463 • XIII. Draconigenw.......... 479- Wnvtott: DANIEL OWEN and Co., Limited, WESTERN MAIL BUILDINGS, LONDON : W. KENT and Co., PATERNOSTER ROW. Price One Shilling. All Bights Reserved*