THE Wivi^ Red Dragon: THE NATIONAL MAGAZINE OE WALES, EDITED BY JAMES HARRIS. / X5Ii7\Vt Mc%H JUNE, 1886. ^^3^] ^V^iwC' '"I X^-^-pV1--PAGE. !^v^3^iabjl Men of Wales— With Portrait . . . '^^\ 505 ^VVlV^V David Rhys Stephen. By D. Tudor Evans. nr==^Even Tryst. By John Walker. . . . . .514 III. The Ring of Gyges. VI. Edited by Charles Wentworth Lisle 515 IV. The Triton. By Baroness Swift......533 V. Welsh Monasteries before A.D. 681. By E. J. Newell, M.A. . 534 VI. Love and Death. By Zitella...... 545 VII. Winthrop Mackworth Praed. By Frederick Cooper . . 546 VIII. Archytas. By G. B. H......... 561 IX. A Village Tragedy. By Denzil Vane ..... 563 X. One Night in June. By J. H. D....... 571 XI. Literature, Art, and Archseology of the Month.... 572 XII. Charity v. Love. By G. M. Lloyd...... 576 XIII. Notes and Queries......... 578 XIV. Draconigenee..........597 DANIEL OWEN and Co., Limited, WESTERN MAIL BUILDINGS. LONDON: W. KENT and Co., PATERNOSTER ROW.. Price One Shilling. All Bights Reserved.