Vot. »X. MAY, 1886. No. 5. _-----,—,------------------------------ i " THE Red Dragon.- THE NATIONAL MAGAZINE OE WALES. EDITED BY JAMES HARRIS. PAGE. I. Notable Men of Wales— With Portrait . . . . . 409 John Aubrey. By E. J. Newell. II. In the Twilight. By T. Kyle . . . . . .422 III. The Ring of Gyges. V. Edited by Charles Wentworth Lisle 423- IV. May. By Arthur Mbe....... . 440 V. Irish Historical Romance. By D. F. Hannigan . . . 441 VI. Canzone Funebre. By John Walker . . . . .451 VII. Some Highways & Bye-ways in Monmouthshire. V. By R. W. J. 452 VIII. A Bachelor. By Ella Egerton Hine . . . . . 467 IX. A Quartette of Breconshire Worthies. By Edwin Poole . . 469' X. An Incident in the Rebellion of 1798. By Jennette Fothergill*. 476 XI. The Cottage on a Clay Soil, By A. Grenfell . , . 478' XII. Reviews......., . . . .487 XIII, Literature, Art, and Archaeology of the Month .... 489 XIV. N®tes and Queries . . . . . . . 491 XV. Draconigense . ... . . . . . . 503- (Mitt: DANIEL OWEN and Co., Limited, WESTERN MAIL BUILDINGS. LONDON: W. KENT and Co., PAP^fcNOSTER ROW. Frice One Shilling. All Mights Reserved.