Vol. IX. APRIL, 1886. No. 4. THE ED J.JRAGON National LV ..*d£*X ©Hales?- Edited by JAMES HARRIS. PRICE OUSTS SZHZIIDILjIIISrG-. Contents: - I.—Notable Men of Wales—With Portrait ......... ... ... 313 Sir Thomas Phillips. By John Morgan. « ' * II.—The Ring OP Gyges. IV. Edited by Charles Wentworth Lisle ...... 322 III.—The Story of Prince Madoc's Discovert of America. III. By Edward Owen 342 IV.—Some Highways and Bye-wats in Monmouthshire. IV. By R. W. J. ... 354 V.-—"PoLYMETis" Spence and his Anecdotes. By W.Arthur ......... 369 VI.—Books and Readers. By Frederick Cooper * ... ... ....... 381 * VEL—Original and Translated Poetry— " Mardy." By T. Kyle-" Ursa Major,*' By William Parry.~" A Song of Life." By Richard Free, M.A.—" Can y Sidan-Bryf." By J. D. Evans.—" Loved and Lost." By J. II. D.—" The Daffodils." By John Walker. VHI.-—Literature, Abt, and Archeology of the Month .. ... ..> ... 389 IX.—Reviews ... ... ... - ... ... • ... ... i.. ... ... 331 X.—Notes and Queries...... ......... ... ... ... ... 393 XI.-—Draoonigens ... ... ... ... ...m ... ... ... ... 407 CARDIFF: DANIEL OWEN & Co., Limited, WESTERN MAIL BUILDINGS. LONDON: W. KENT & Co., PATERNOSTER ROWl —•>£> [all rights reserved.]