ENLARGED TO 104 PAGES. Vol. IX. EBteUARY, 1886. No. 2. HE Red Dragon national VAGUS 105 PBIOE ONE SHILLI &smUniB % I.—Notable Men op Wales—Witil Portrait Thomas Davis. By David Davies. II.—The Ring of Gyges. II. Edited by Charles Wentworth Lisle ...... 124 III.—Some Highways and Bye-ways in Monmouthshire. II. ByR. W. J. ... 149 IV.—The Story of Prince Madoc's Discovery of America. IL By Edward Owen ............'..................172 V.—The Story of a Rood-Screen. By A. Grenfell ... ...... ... 184 VI.—Original and Translated Poetry— Lines on the Sea. By G.M. Lloyd.-" ShuiRhys." By .T.H.D-"A Bore." By Richard Free, M.A.—"The Captain of the Deccan." By Den-war Lloyd.—" Quid Sit Futurum Cras." By Frederick Cooper. 193 195 208 Vli.-_Literature, Art, and Archeology of the Month ... VIII.—Notes and Queries............ ...... IX.—Draconigenk.................. CARDIFF: DANIEL OWEN & Co., Limited, WESTERN MAIL BUILDINGS. LONDON: W. KENT & Co., PATERNOSTER ROW. [all rights reserved.]