ENLARGED TO 104 PAGES* Vol. VIII. NOVIS^BER, 4885. T*& No. 5. THE Dragon ajtm National n. in. IV. v. VI. VII. VIII.- IX. X. XI, XII. PRICE OZLsTB SHILLIlsTG. Contents: page —Notable Men op Wales—With Portrait ... ......... ... 417 Sir Hugh Myddelton. By Gwenynen Gwynedd. —Dame Mabjobie. V............. ... ... ... ... 422 -Some Highways and Bye-ways in Mon'mouthshibe. I. By R. W. J. ... 435 —Whebe Angels feab to Tread. II. By Kate Dodd ... ... ... 448 —Practical Directions foe Preparing MS. and Reading Pboofs foe the Printer. By the Editor......................456 —Old Tales fbom West Wales......... ... ... ... ... 467 VIII.—A Yarn Concerning Tenby Pier. By Quilibet. -"The New Bath Guide." By W. Arthur ...... ... ..." ... 474 -A Welshwoman's Reminiscences of Victor Hugo. By E. Mathew-Bishop 488 —Obiginal and Tbanslated POK.TRY— "Morning Song of the Shallows." By Ella Egerton Hine.—" The Celtic Lyre." By Hid Sant— *' Nemesis.'* By Irvonwy.—" A Valediction." By Frederick Cooper.—" A Harvest Night." By J.H.D.—" The Doves." By Baroness Swift.—" Welsh Surnames."—*' The Cry of the Clerk." By T.Kyle ...... 497 ... 504 ...... 515 —Literature, Art, and Abohjeology of the Month.. —Notes and Quebies...... ...... —Draconigenj: ... .............. CARDIFF: DANIEL OWEN & Co., Limited, WESTERN MAIL BUILDINGS. LONDON: W. KENT & Co., PATERNOSTER ROW. [all bights besebved.]