ENLARGED TO 104 PAGES. Vol. VIII. OCTOBER, 1885. No. 4. THE Red Dragon Cftf Uatfonal JBagajtne »ale& Edited by JAMES HAERIS. PBIOB ONE SHILLING. x, XI. XII Contents: —Notable Men of Wales— With Portrait ...... John Gibson, the Sculptor. By Hypolite. —Dame Mabjoeie. IV. ... ... ... ...... —" Gododin " Aneubin Gwawdkydd. II. By the Editor —Whebe Angels feab to Tread. I. By Kate Dodd... —Makgam Abbey. By Ap Gwilym... —Jack Smith, Joubnalist. By Irvonwy......... —The Real Thomas Cbanmek. ByLlew......... —The Dbeam of a Happy Wife. By Frances Fitzgerald .—Obiginal and Tbanslated Poetey— " Bran-wen, Daughter of Llyr." By E. ,T. Newell, M.A.—" The Star of Love.: —*' War and Tumult." By Jennette Fothergill.—" In a Page of Kossetti." By Fred. — Bedd Taliesin." By G. Mortimer.—" My Love, My Love is Coming." By J.H.D By Irvonwy. .—LlTEBATUBE, AST, AND AeCHJJOLOGY OF THE K^NTH...... —Notes and Quebies......... ...... ......... .—DBACONIGENiE ... ... ......... fa©.. 313 337 34S 358 367 376 384 392 By Ella Egerton Hine. By Frederick Cooper. "To-----." 397 401 412 CARDIFF: DANIEL OWEN & Co., Limited, WESTERN MAIL BUILDINGS. LONDON : W. KENT & Co., PATERNOSTER ROW. [all eights eeseeved.]