ENLARGED TO 104 IMAGES. Vol. VIII. SEPTEMBER, 1885. No. a THE Red Dragon ©6e national ifflaflajtitt of Edited by JAMES HARRIS, PBICE OUSTE SECIXjXjUsTGf-. (talents: I.—Notable Men of WaleM—With Portrait .„ .„ ... Lord Kenyon. By Gwenynen Gwynedd. II.—Dame Marjorie. III. ...... ............ III.—Trout Tickling. By Piscator ... ' ............ IV.—The Power of the Unseen. II. By. Welshwoman...... V.—The Exhibition of the Royal Cambrian Academy. By Hypolite VI.—Memory. By Rev. William Edward Winks ... ....... VIL—Old Tales from West Walks.............., VII—The Haunted Bridge. By Quilibet. VIII.—"Gododin" Aneurin Gwawdrydd. By the Editor ... IX.—Original and Translated" Poetry— " The Golden West." By J. H. D.—" Newquay. Cornwall." By Rev. W. E. Winks By Jennette Fothergill.--" A Dream of Heaven." By Richard Free, M.A By Irvonwy. X.—Literature, Art, and Archaeology of the Month...... XL—Notes and Queries...... XII.—Draconigen^e.................. PAGB 214 225 229 248 257 276 ' September." 'A Farewell." ... 292 ... 296 ... 308 CARDIFF: DANIEL OWEN & Co., Limited, W£ST£RN MAIL BUILDINGS. LONDON: W. KENT & Co., PATERNOSTER ROW. [ALL RIGHTS RESERVED;]