Vol. VIIU K^SI ^AUGUST, 1885. No. 2. THE ed Dragon Muslim National PRICE ONE SHILLI €mtmte: j,__Notable Men of Wales—With Portrait Humphrey Lhvyd, the Antiquarian. By Gwenynen Gwyneckl. II.—Dame Marjorie. II. ... ............... III.—Some Gloucestershire Games. By W. Arthur ... ... IV.—About the Joneses. By T. Kyle ... ... ... ....... V.—A Tour on the Continent. II. By Balliol...... VI.—The Power of the Unseen. By Welshwoman ...... VII.—Henry Vaughan, the "Silurist." By J. and J. Jones...... VIII.—Love in a Mist. By Ella Egerton Hine IX.—Original and Translated Poetry— . .„.. page 10& 108 118 132 140 150 165 175 " Drifting:." Bv Zitella. — Imitation of the Fifteenth Epode of Horace. By Frederick Cooper.— "The Promise." By Irvonwy.—"To Summer Lingering." Bv J.H.D.-i" To Mary, on lier h r±«~Ac.-n " Tt-tr Art.Tlllv ltfoo _"I'«. f---™ Dinners."—" In her Garden." By Arthur Mep. Legend of St. Govin." By Jennette Fothergill. 'Far "from Me!" By the Baroness Swift.—"A X.—Literature, Art, and Archeology of the Month... XL—Notes and Queries...... XII.—Draconigen/e H^^^^H^^^^h...... 193 197 206 CARDIFF: DANIEL OWEN & Co., Limited, WESTERN MAIL BUILDINGS. LONDON: W. KENT & Co., PATERNOSTER ROW. [all rights reserved.]