Vol. VIII. JULY, 1885. No. L PRICE ONE SHILLING. €m\imts: fagb I.—Notable Men of Wales— With Portrait ......... ... ... 1 Bichard Wilson, the I'aintcr. By Gwenynen GwyncddV II.—Original and Translated Poetry............. ... ... 6 III.—One Summer Night. By Denzil Vane...... ... ... ... ... 13 IV.:—Cramming for an Exam. II. -By "George Beynon Harri* ... ... ... 21 V.—Mrs. Poyser. By H. Elvet Lewis ... ... ,,:. ... ... ... 36 VI.—The Intentions Exhibition. By lJenzil Vane .., ... ... ... «:; VII.—Qld Tales from West Wales............... ...... 49 VI.- The Strange Adventures of Queen Rhiannon and her son Pryderi. By Quilibet. VIII. — The Massacre of the Welsh Bards. II. By Jas. Harris ..... 57 IX.—D,u#e Marjorie ......... ......... ... ■•• ••• 6? X.—A Tour on the Continent. By Balliol......... ' ••• , ••• 78 XL—Literature, Art, and Archeology of the Month .. ... ■ ...... 85 XII.—Notes and Queries......... ...... ...... ••• ••• ^2 XIII._Draconigen;e ... ............ ...... ••• ••■ 102 CAKDIEF : DANIEL OWEN & Co., Limited, WESTERN MAIL BUILDINGS. LONDON: W. KENT & Co., PATERNOSTER ROW. [all rights reserved.]