Vol. VII. JUNE, 1885. No. 6. national iHagajtii£ ol 839alr& ted by CHARLES WILKINS. 2. 3. 4. 5, $.— PRICE SIXPENCE. €ontmh: rAGK Notable Men of Walks—TTi/7t Portrait........ ......... 481 The Kev, John Griffith, Rector of Meithyr. By the Editor. Original and Translated Poetry..................... 4S9 CRAMMING eok ax Exam. I. By George Beynon Harris ...... ... 496 A Bad Quarter ok an Hour. By Elton Harris............... 510 A Pic-Nio at the Pass of Llanberis. By Cymraes ............ 519 Old Tales from West Wales ..................... 524 V.- Shows how the King of Narbcrth won his Queen, &e. By Quilibet. —The Massacre of the Welsh Bards. By Jas. Harris...... ..... 534 A Midsummer Madness. By the Author of "My Engagement," &c. ... 542 Literary and Abt Notes of the Month, &c................ 560 Notes and Queries ... ........................ 56$ Welsh Rare Bits .........................•• 5^ CARDIFF: DANIEL OWEN & Co., Limited, WESTERN MAIL BUILDINGS. LONDON : W. KENT & Co., PATERNOSTER ROW.