Vol. VII MAY, 1885. THE Dragon ©fie national JHagajme of ©Kales- ./Edited by CHARLES WILKINS. PRICE SIXPENCE. 1.—Notable Men op Walks—With Pmirait .............. George Herbert. By W, Arthur. 2.—Original and Translated Poetry.........;......... 3.—A Voice in the Crowd. By the Author of " A Midnight Mystery," "A Dream Story," &c................... " ... 4.—Old Talks from West Wales .................. IV.—Lady Dorothy's Elopement. By Quilibet. 5.—Shakspeare's Pictures op Welshmen. III. By Rev. J. M. Simoock 6.—A Beautiful Hypocrite. By Denzil Vane............... 7.—Literary and Art Notes of the Month, &c............ 8.—Notes and Queries ........................ 9.—Welsh Rare Bits ........................ page 385 409 418 439 445 450 458 4*36 476 CARDIFF: DANIEL OWEN & Co., Limited, WESTERN MAIL BUILDINGS. LONDON: W. KENT & Co., PATERNOSTER ROW. [all bights besbbvkd.]