Vol. VII. MARCH, 1885. No. 3. THE Red Dragon Wbt National of Winks. 2, 8. 4.- 5. 6.- 7. 8.- 9. 10. Edited by CHARLES WILKINS. PRICE SIXPENCE. Contents: -Notable Women of Wales— With Portrait........... Katherine Philips. By AY. Arthur. -Translated Poetry ..................... -The Strong Box. By Irvonwy ............... -How the French fared at Fishguard—With Plan, By A Native -Shakspearb's Pictures of Welshmen, II. By J. Macrae Simcock -A Dream Stoby. By the Author of "A Midnight Mystery," &c. -Welsh Horses. By R. D. Green-Price ............ -Literary and Art Notes of the Month, &c......... -Notes and Queries ..................... -Welsh Bare Bits ...... ............ i\-\<:k ni •21'<j 223 235 244 232 269 267 275 285 CARDIFF : DANIEL OWEN <fc Co., Limited, WESTERN MAIL BUILDINGS. LONDON : W. KENT & Co., PATERNOSTER ROW.