/Vol. vn. FEBRUARY, 1885. No. 2. THE Edit£d by CHARLES WILKINS. PRICE SIXPENCE. €trttitni& 2. 3. 4.- 5.- 6.- 7.-< 9.- 10.- 11.- -Notable Men of Wales—With Portrait .........It Thomas Olivers, The Hymnologist. By Robt. Shindler. Original Poetry .................*_...• -A Midnight Mystery............ ,... ^Esthetics, and t& ^Esthetic Movement. By $. H. ... Kidwelly and its Environs. By W. H. ... ...... From San Antonio to the Sabinas. By Irvonwy Jones Old Tales prom West Wales ............ II.—The Curse of Queen Zipporah. By Quilibet. My First Exam.—Ploughed ! By 6. B. EC ...... Literary and Ab* Notes op the Month, &c. .. ? ... Notes and Queries ... ... ...... ...... •Welsh Rare Bits ... ... .,. ... ..' PAGE 97 110 116 132 140 149 158 169 174 178 189 CARDIFF: DANIEL OWEN & Co., Limited, WESTERN MAIL BUILDINGS. LONDON: W. KENT & Co., PATERNOSTER ROW.