Xll. RED DRAGON ADVERTISER. G. ALLEN & SON, GENERAL WIRE WORKERS, No. 1, Wellington Street, Canton, CARDIFF. Manufacturers of Wire and Venetian Blinds, Bird Cages, Sieves. Screens, * lower Stands, Garden Arches, Nursery Guards, &c. Wire Work in all its Branches Wholesale, and Retail, made to order at the shortest notice. [024 ESTABLISHED SO YEAES. Designers, Jftairafartors, attfi Shippers* Laverton & Co. ARE AMONGST THE LARGEST AND BEST HOUSES IN ENGLAND FOR GOOD SERVICEABLE FURNITURE. LARGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES FORWARDED GRATIS. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. Address: LAVERTON & Co., STEAM CABINET WORKS, BRISTOL. DANIEL OWEN, HOWELL & Co., Printers # Commercial Stationers, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. {015]