CHRISTMAS NUMBER. No. 6. One Penny. December, 1899 He PwilQeli Pome Ismtb bn JUa JiMi (English flresbgtman Church:. *vv%v^o^vv^vv^V**Vi*J Contents. A.I.P. ... Rev. J. T. Pritchard. ... Ethel F. Heddle. At Random Flowers The Shadow of a Sin—Serial Story Ala Road Literary Society ... ... ... Rest for Weary Feet ... Rev. J. H. Jowett, M.A. Home for Christmas (Full page illustration) Barnard Davis. A Walk in Palestine (Illustrated) ... Dora M. Jones. The Ministry of Kindness—a Christmas Message. Ian Maclaren. Lessons from Bethlehem (Illustrated) Rev. J. R. Miller, D.D. A Christmas Chat with the Children ... Rev. J. Reid Howatt. The Snow Cat ... ... ... Louis Wain. Our Program for 1900 Monthly'Calendar, &c. &c., &c, &c. SERVICES: Sundays at 10-30 a.m., and 6 p.m., School at 2 p.m., Mondays and Fridays, at 7-30 p m. FREE SEA TS. Pastor: Rev. E. Myrddin Rees. FWLLHELI : PKIXTED BY EICHD. JONES, HIGH STREET. in i i 1 \